Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Well, this is my first intentional blog.

I have spent the past seven months readjusting to life in the United States after living in Lima, Peru for one year. It has been hard. It has been good. My time in Peru has changed me and the focus of my life inexplicably. Suffice it to say before Peru I thought I would end up an English Professor at a Community College, and in one weeks time I am moving to Stony Point, NY to work at a conference center and to live in an intentional multifaith community dedicated to peace and non-violence. I am not exactly sure what the future holds for me, but I am undoubtedly heading there, and plan to keep this blog along the way.

I hope to include book reviews, thoughts on God (god, goddess, the power of the universe, etc...), anecdotes from community, struggles, personal revelation and insights.

Thank you for paying attention, being involved and loving all that you do.

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