Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Welcoming....

I was officially welcomed at lunch yesterday. All of the volunteers who were present sang me a song and I was given a gift. Don't get too excited, it was a Stony Point coffee mug, with a satchel inside. Contained in the satchel was an eraser, a penny, a marble, a rubber band, a string and some chocolate hugs and kisses accompanied by a piece of paper.

It reads:
Stony Point Resident Survival Kit
An eraser, so you can always correct your mistakes.
A penny, so you need never feel you're broke.
A marble, in case someone says you've lost all of yours.
A rubber band, to stretch yourself beyond your limits.
A string, to tie things together when everything falls apart.
And hugs and kisses to remind you that we are here for you.

It was agreed that it is slightly corny, but incredibly true.

I also celebrated my first sabbat last night. That may be incorrectly spelled or worded. It was quite a beautiful dinner at the Shomer Shalom house where Lynn and Carolyn are living. Shomer Shalom means Keeping Peace. Lynn said the blessing of the wine and the only word I recognized was l'haim (also probably spelled wrong) and then the blessing on the bread--there was the most amazing honey butter on earth. A delightful dish of brown rice, veggies and fried tofu as well as a cucumber yogurt salad. We sat around and talked and I enjoyed the company immensely.

I do have a bunch of photos of Stony Point Center and of the town itself, and I was going to try to add a slideshow on the blog, and I may still in the future, but not this morning. So, here is a link to the photos on facebook so you can see where I am.

all for me, for now.

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