Thursday, April 22, 2010


So, I had a dream yesterday night, or the night before yesterday began, if that makes sense. It started and I was somewhere, and I went into a Goodwill type of store, where I found all of my Stony Point posessions for sale---and they were overpriced. I had to buy my work bag for $21.97. Then, on my way back to somewhere, I saw that the kids had missed some of the easter eggs from the easter egg hunt, so I started to collect them. They were beautiful eggs. I put them in my overpriced work bag, but I soon ran out of room, and found a garbage bag. The eggs seemed to multiply beyond reason, and it became quite a burden to pick them all up--though, I was pretty excited about the Cadbury cream eggs I found. The next thing I remember is that I had just finished some sort of sporting competition and was going to shower, and the only shower left I had to step up into, about 4 feet off the ground. Please keep in mind that the shower head was in the same place it would be normally. The most uncomfortable shower of my life.

Suffice it to say that I realized through waking from this dream that I have not written on this blog for a very long time and have no doubt that anyone who was reading it, has long since given up on me. But, I am going to work on that; to share what has happened over the past month and a half here at Stony Point.

I hope you all are well.
all for me, for now.

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