Saturday, April 24, 2010


I took my manta out for a stroll yesterday, found a hillside bathed in light and spread out. Fully intending to read for a while, I promptly fell asleep under the sun as a light breeze swept over me. It was beautiful.

I awoke some time later, and as I tried to regain any semblance of conscious thought, I heard the ferocious yilp of Milo. I turned and saw the maybe foot and half long pile of white curly fur darting towards me, his owner pleading with him to come back. I have never been charged by a yippy dog before. I was not sure if he would bite me.

He didn't bite me, however he never really stopped running at me. He ran up my lap and yilped at my face and hopped down and ran in a few circles, and jumped up on me again. Lots and lots of energy. His owner came and retrieved him, apologized and continued on their way.

I am thankful for a few things here. That Milo was a small dog, and not a golden retriever. That most large dog owners are responsible enough to train their dogs, and I kind of wish small dog owners would take that initiative. That energy exists in small dogs like Milo and in kids as well. It is kind of a joyful thing to watch.

I wrapped my unread book and waterbottle back up in my manta and tied it to my back and headed home.

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